- Sicher
- Kostengünstig
- Unabhängig getestet
- Von Natur aus Antimikrobiell
- 100% recyclingfähig
- Internationale Flammenschutzmittel Freigaben
- Erfordert keine Wäsche
Antimikrobielle Vorhänge helfen die krankheitserregende Übertragung der Vorhangoberfläche auf den Patienten oder die Angestellten zu reduzieren
Unterschiedliche Arten von Einweg-Vorhängen für unterschiedliche Bedürfnisse
“In a culture survey (n=50), we found that 42% of hospital privacy curtains were contaminated with antibiotic‐resistant enterococci, 22% with methicillin‐resistant Staphylococcus aureus, and 4% with Clostridium difficile. Hand imprint cultures demonstrated that these pathogens were easily acquired on hands. Hospital curtains are a potential source for dissemination of healthcare-associated pathogens.” Trillis III, E. C. Eckstein, R. Budavich, M. J. Pultz, and C. J. Donskey, “Contamination of hospital curtains with healthcare-associated pathogens,” Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, vol. 29, no. 11, pp. 1074–1076, 2008.
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